
Last week, part of our Talat Team was invited by Soler & Palau together with Salvador Escodato learn first-hand about their work.

S&P, nowadays, world leader in ventilation, opened the doors of its headquarters, factories and R&D laboratory to us. Sharing with us the latest advances in the world of ventilation and anticipating part of the great work and research they do in their own certified laboratory for the optimization of the manufacture of fans, extractors and reusers. We have also learned how they have integrated their environmental commitment in their manufacturing process: having their own factories, aluminum recovery for reuse and serial production of fans with recycled plastic, among others.

On the other hand, Salvador Escoda, a reference in the supply of products for air conditioning, ventilation, heating, water, renewable energies, gas, electricity, refrigeration and insulation, showed us the cutting-edge technology applied to its automated processes within its logistics center for the storage and distribution of all the products it supplies.

We were able to see that, from manufacturing to supply, both companies work in total coordination when it comes to priorities and values: that of offering an innovative product through efficient processes.

Among the details to highlight, in addition to the exceptional treatment that our team has received at all times, one of the most fun visits was undoubtedly the anechoic chamber, a room designed to absorb all the reflections produced by acoustic or electromagnetic waves on any of the surfaces that make it up (floor, ceiling and side walls), which aims to emulate the acoustic conditions that would occur in a free field, oblivious to any effect or influence of the room resulting from such reflections. As well as getting to know the automated processes of Salvador Escoda's logistics center. "A real blast," they say. Álvaro Sáiz and Nacho Darder, engineers of our Team Talat.

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