domotic installations

The concept of "smart building" or smart building, is inevitably linked to the development of new technologies, sustainability goals and a permanent online connection. In order to keep these elements together and leveraged, the domotic installations have proven to be the best protagonists in any construction project in which these criteria are pursued.

At the same time, the domotic installations have taken advantage of the technological development that is still booming to get the most out of the intelligent building, something it achieves above all in relation to the following factors: energy efficiency, energy savings, increased safety and compatibility with other advanced control systems.

Energy efficiency of home automation systems

One of the most important advances that we have achieved with home automation installations is the improvement in energy efficiency that can be harnessed in a smart building.

The first aspect on which home automation works to achieve this goal is lighting. The control of a building's luminaires, based on the systems such as DALi (which we use in Talat) allows the inclusion of sensors that offer a constant and personalized regulation of all spaces.

The configuration of this luminaire system makes it easy for us to illuminate each associated sector until the marked limit is reached. and take advantage of as much natural light as possible, thus reducing energy costs and dependence on artificial lighting.

In addition, the relationship between sensors and home automation opens the door to a myriad of intelligent building control options that optimize energy efficiency.

The climate values are the most benefited in this sense and also represent a very positive contribution in terms of efficiency, since temperature control is traditionally one of the most important energy consumption factors in any construction.

Domotic installations with these sensors allow the temperature of each space in the building to be regulated according to the climatic values, in order to guarantee the greatest possible comfort at all times without wasting energy at any time.

This can be extrapolated to virtually any energy resource required by the building, for example, it also affects the supply of running water, especially in facilities such as hotels, hospitals and similar buildings.

It should also be borne in mind that energy efficiency is always related to the sustainability and a smart building aims to reduce its impact on the carbon footprint to a minimum, limit its polluting emissions as much as possible and preserve its immediate environment as much as possible.

This is why a building that has domotic installations is potentially more sustainable and therefore offers its residents an environmentally friendly space, a top priority in our society.

The potential cost savings of intelligent buildings

The fact that home automation systems allow for the a financial savings for residents or those responsible for the management of the building, has been an important element favorable to its development.

Inherent in energy efficiency is the optimization of energy-related costs. resource consumption. Therefore, a smart building is synonymous with lower electricity, gas and water bills than a traditional building.

Another advance that has been noted in terms of cost savings with domotic installations is related to prevention.

Thanks to constant monitoring of any installation connected to a control system, it is possible to identify if any element is likely to fail or to check for damage.

This constant monitoring makes it possible to act before any element fails or even affects the entire installation, which allows for permanent savings in building maintenance.

Security at all times with domotic installations

Domotic installations were initially designed for security purposes. The possibility of having systems that allowed constant surveillance of one or several spaces in a house was a considerable advance in this sector.

Today that security has been maximized at all levels, from the possibility of accessing real-time visualization of any monitored space, to knowing if someone has entered without permission, controlling that electrical installations are working properly, detecting any outbreak of fire or risk of flooding due to increased humidity levels, etc.

This decisive breakthrough in the security of a home translates into the comfort of its interior. Nowadays, home automation systems make it possible to control the food and its state inside a refrigerator or to program the temperature of the house, so that it is at the perfect setting when there are people at home and does not waste energy when it is empty.

All this is perfectly comparable to domotic installations in intelligent buildings, both in terms of security and comfort.

An intelligent building enjoys constant, 24-hour surveillance with multiple monitoring systems, including digital and biometric access controls if necessary.

Its practical applications are endless. For example, in a hotel, it allows us to know if the refrigerator in a room is lacking some of the elements that are always offered to guests or, in case it is going to be occupied soon, an optimal temperature for the stay can be regulated.

Domotic installations and their integration with other control systems

Home automation maintains a parallel development to the software that is used in control systems, since they can guarantee an optimal maintenance of any device.

At Talat we have innovative technology that merges engineering, control and softwareWe are committed to offer customized and complete solutions to all our customers, with which we can optimize the performance of home automation systems as much as possible.

Thanks to this integration it is possible to take advantage of our control systems with many advantages, such as the ability to collect data in real time, simplify management functions for efficient collaborative work, and automate tasks to redirect resources to higher performance work.

Of course, the potential possibilities of home automation systems in an intelligent building depends entirely on the characteristics of the construction and the objectives pursued by those responsible for its management. For this reason we always recommend a personalized service, in order to offer the best solutions according to the needs of each project.

Contact with us to know the potential of home automation in existing buildings or the possibilities of its installation in a new construction project.

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